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looms that create magic

bhutanese silks


Bhutan is a small Himalayan Kingdom, nestled between India, China and Tibet, perched atop the world's tallest and most sacred mountain range. Also known as "Land of the Thunder Dragon".
In Bhutan, textiles are considered the highest form of art and spiritual expression. The knowledge and skills have been passed down for countless generations. This textiles are recognised for their abundance of colour, sophistication and variation of patterns, and the intricate dyeing and weaving techniques. Woven primarily on the simple backstrap loom.

"The Bhutanese have perfected ,a single-faced supplementary weft brocade‘, an extremely complicated and intricate weaving technique.
Bhutanese designs represent the most intricate patterning and sophisticated weaving of any textile art in the world."

For reference: From the Land of the Thunder Dragon, Textile Arts of Bhutan, Diana Myers and Susan Bean, Serindia Publications, London, 1994.

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